Join A New Movement of Teacher Appreciation

Help us show teachers in Utah they are appreciated. Let’s change the trend and make education in Utah a priority.

Sign up below to show your support.

What You Should Know

42% of Utah Teachers leave within the first 5 years

Utah has the largest average class size in the nation

In the U.S., Utah is ranked 49th in per pupil funding

Increasing stress rates are causing excessive turnover among teachers

How You Can Help

Utah teachers need our support more than anything. The best thing we can do is stay informed and educate others about the challenges they face. Our teacher appreciation movement is dedicated to creating a committed community of educated citizens that can advocate for Utah’s teachers and, by extension, our kids and grandkids. We need everyone to make this movement a success! Sign up below to join and tell your friends to do the same. Let’s change the narrative on Utah’s teachers!